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Wrongful Death

The death of a loved one is devastating, particularly when it could have been avoided. Wrongful deaths can occur for many reasons such as automobile or trucking accidents, medical negligence, nursing home abuse or neglect, construction accidents, or dangerous drugs. If a loved one dies due to someone else’s wrongdoing, family members have a right to recover for their loss. Recovery can include medical and funeral expenses; future income loss; loss of support and services; pain and suffering; and loss of companionship. At Diamond~Massong, we call upon years of experience to provide the compassionate support, medical expertise, and legal knowledge needed to successfully pursue wrongful death cases.

See examples of our wrongful death cases.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact us for a free consultation.

See what others are saying…

“Maria Diamond is tough and confident, but also kind and compassionate. We were bowled over by her expertise. She was able to wrap up our auto accident case quickly and successfully. Her grasp of our case put us at ease, and there were no surprises during the settlement. We can't recommend Maria highly enough.” Glenn and Becky D.
Seattle, WA

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